What will the 2023 edition of MTLàTABLE be like?

This year, MTLàTABLE will take place from November 3 to 19, 2023, in over 125 Montréal restaurants. With this 11th edition, MTLATABLE offers its original format, with participating restaurants offering a table d’hôte dinner menu.

What are the prices for the 11th edition of MTLàTABLE?

You’ll enjoy the same prix fixe formula once again, with table d’hôte menus at $38, $53, $68 and $83 for a three- or four-course meal.

Is the list of participating restaurants final?

Yes, the menus and restaurants posted on mtlatable.com will soon be online, ready to whet your appetite.

Do I have to make a reservation?

You do not have to make a reservation but, given the event’s popularity, one is strongly recommended. Please read each restaurant’s reservation policies carefully. You have the choice of reserving online or by telephone with each restaurant. You absolutely must let the restaurant know of any cancellation at least 48 hours in advance.

What is the cancellation policy?

Cancellations must be made by phone or via the reservation platform 48 hours in advance. Ask the restaurant when making your reservation. No-shows create real headaches, not only for the restaurants that have to turn away people, but for clients who would like to reserve. Therefore, please be mindful of everyone and call the restaurant if you can’t make it.

How can I take part in the 11th edition of MTLàTABLE?

Choose from the list of participating restaurants, browse the menu offered and reserve directly with the restaurant of your choice. While reservations are recommended, if you show up at a restaurant without a reservation and they have room, just ask for the MTLàTABLE menu.

Is the MTLATABLE menu the only menu available in participating restaurants during MTLATABLE?

It depends on the restaurant. Some will continue offering their regular à la carte menu as well as offering their special MTLàTABLE menu. Be sure to ask someone for the MTLàTABLE menu if it is not offered right away.

Will the menu featured on the MTLATABLE site be the same as the one when I go to the restaurant?

Yes. The restaurants have agreed to offer the same menu. If this is not the case, please let us know immediately at mtlatable@mtl.org.

Who is responsible for organizing MTLàTABLE?

Tourisme Montréal has been organizing the event since its inception.

Who are the MTLàTABLE partners this year?

Presented by partner : American Express

Media partner : La Presse

Official partner : MAPAQ, Sysco

MTLàTABLE friends : Aliments du Québec, Casino de Montréal, Association Restauration Québec

Is Montréal renowned for its culinary scene?

Absolutely! Montréal has been a member of the Délice Network of international gourmet cities since 2007, and is a renowned foodie hotspot thanks to the diversity of its culinary offer and its excellent restaurants.